7 x 16 Cargo Express White (Screwless) Ramp Door/ Side Door/ Spare Tire Mount /Spare tire/2018 ON ORDER
5x8 White Cargo Express Ramp Door(2018) $2,250
4x6 XLW Cargo Express Black Single door (2018) $1,700
6x10 XLW Charcoal Cargo Express/Ramp Door/Side Door/Spare Tire (2018) On Order
Cargo Express DLX 5x8/single door/spare tire/spare tire mount/roof vent. Color is black . $2,095
Cargo Express DLX 6x10/ramp door/roof vent/ spare tire mount/spare tire/fold down jacks. Color is black. ON ORDER
Cargo Express DLX 6x12/ ramp door/roof vent/spare tire mount/spare tire/fold down jacks. Color is black. ON ORDER
2018 Cargo Express Blue (Screwless) 6 x 12 Ramp Door/Side Door/Spare Tire Holder/Spare Tire/ Pair of jacks ON ORDER
6x12 Cargo Express Red (2018) Double Doors/ Side Door/Pair of Jacks/Upgrade Color - On Order
Specialty "Concession" Trailer 7x10 V-Nose Specialty and Other (All special orders must be paid in full up front)
Specialty "Concession" Trailer 7x10 V-Nose Specialty and Other (All special orders must be paid in full up front)
Specialty "Concession" Trailer 7x10 V-Nose Specialty and Other (All special orders must be paid in full up front)
Specialty "Concession" Trailer 7x10 V-Nose Specialty and Other (All special orders must be paid in full up front)
Specialty "Concession" Trailer 7x10 V-Nose Specialty and Other (All special orders must be paid in full up front)
Specialty "Concession" Trailer 7x10 V-Nose Specialty and Other (All special orders must be paid in full up front)
Specialty "Concession" Trailers